Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A ninguna parte

If I had a picture of a place I wanted to be, it would be beautiful, mysterious, and like a dream.

In my dream I would get away; go to a place with adventure where I am the hero
A place that is safe, and yet challenges the senses and fulfills my need for adventure
If even for just a moment

Just a glimpse

To experience a mysterious environment
An environment of hope that brings joy and purpose
Where love can be expressed without risk
And is full of the elements of mystery and adventure

Yes, a mysterious adventure that challenges your senses and reflexes with the unexpected
I am the hero, the champion, the rugged hunter and friend to this strange, mysterious, adventurous place.

I do not know where my next step will take me or where my next turn will be
But I have no fear.

To go anywhere... or nowhere...

Just Imagine....

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Monday, March 15, 2010

It Started as a Simple Night Out

a friend of mine, who is a singer, songwriter, and a leader of Christian Worship at a church in Tucson has played his music in several venues. Having heard him only once is enough for me to know that he has completely "sold out for God." Seeing this in him as he sings is an incredibly humbling experience as someone who wants to get to know God better. Personally, I have struggled with giving everything over to God, but that's a conversation for another time.

Last night I invited my wife and daughter to a concert played by none other than my friend. He told a story of his life through music and as he played I was washed over with complete humility before God as the words pierced through my heart. He sang about needing God, thanking God, and loving God. I wept as he sang and thanked God for still waiting for me as He revealed to me that I have yet to fully surrender to Him. As I listened I noticed that my daughter was interested in the violin accompanying the singing, guitar playing performer before us. But my wife! Her eyes were locked in on the source of the music and completely engaged in the message of surrender and the greatness of God. I quietly turned back to face the front to respect her privacy.

I was in awe of the emotion I was experiencing, but as he played, I asked God not to let me be led by emotions. They are so fleeting and temporary! I wanted this time of experiencing God's wonder to count for something more than a "good cry." Then the final Songs....

A song I can only imagine was entitled "You Call Me Friend" (speaking of God's promise to be our friend). After all the things we do to Him, He still calls us friend. What a ridiculous concept, yet it's true! As I listened to all my attributes in the lyrics of this song it was always followed up with God's offer to call me friend. If I receive nothing more, this should be enough, yet I am still the sinner to whom he made the promise to in the first place.

Finally, Jesus is waiting. No matter what the situation Jesus is there. Have you ever heard that before? If you attend church at a place that preaches the scripture you probably have. But put your personal experiences and situations in a song that declares that Jesus understands and is there for you in your time of need and it takes on a whole new depth that will touch your open and willing heart like little else could. My heart gushed with thankfulness to Christ for bearing my sin and still meeting me in my difficult time.

Not only were the words of this musical message beautiful and encouraging, the music was comforting and inviting to its listener. As Dave poured out his heart in the message of his music, he also invited you to love the same Christ to whom he gives all of the credit for saving him, loving him, and keeping him over the years. With the tonality of James Taylor, and humility of Moses, the sounds of any one of his three guitars and the violin bring the already loving words of his song to campfire comfort.

After a simple invitation to my family to allow me to visit my friend for a brief time, I have seen fit to renew my commitment to Christ, my wife and my family to be the man of God that God wants me to be.